Admirals Club
Maritime Security Forum
The Maritime Security Forum (hereafter used with the acronym “MSF”) is the scientific initiative of the ADMIRALS CLUB and is a platform for creating and disseminating knowledge and information in maritime security, which carries out a scientific activity and organizes information and public debate events. The FSM is also an environment for public dissemination and communication in naval policy, shipping, safety, maritime security and defence. Through cooperation with the professional-institutional and the academic and scientific research environment, the FSM offers opportunities to connect and integrate into the national networks of knowledge, dissemination and collaboration in the fields of naval policies, the development of the Blue Economy, security and defence, safety, maritime resilience and naval transport, to develop synergistic programs in the areas of interest. The Forum offers specialized expertise and carries out scientific research activities in maritime security by organizing conferences and symposia, scientific communication sessions, open briefings and webinars, as well as other activities with physical participation, but also in an online or mixed format.
Within the framework of these activities, strategic analyses in the maritime field and its related areas, analyses of the phenomenon, process or state, case studies at the global, regional or local level, medium and long-term forecasts, recommendations for public policies, messages for debates and negotiations, as well as contributions in the field of naval history, marine education, will be presented business competitiveness, business intelligence analysis and risk management.
MSF is a think tank specialized in maritime security, non-governmental and non-profit, which operates under the patronage of the Association “Admirals’ Club”, whose general purpose is to carry out advanced scientific research activities and to organize information events, public debate, forecasting and dissemination of knowledge specific to the field of maritime security.
MSF operates in three main directions:
- Providing specialized expertise to substantiate the decisions regarding the elaboration and implementation of the maritime policy and strategy of Romania;
- Disseminating specific knowledge and information to make maritime security issues available to those concerned and promote a maritime security culture;
- Capitalizing on opportunities for partnership and cooperation with all entities involved in maritime security in the country or with organizations with similar concerns from other states.
The Maritime Security Forum publishes works, articles, and summaries of studies in this field in various media.
- Elaboration of projects and specialized studies, strategic analyses, case studies and medium and long-term forecasts and the organization of scientific research activities through which to contribute to the substantiation of decisions regarding the maritime policy and strategy of Romania;
- Organizing and carrying out activities of evaluation, analysis and forecasting of phenomena and state processes specific to the maritime field, in the form of specialized expertise, to support the decision-making process of the institutions that have responsibilities in this field and to ensure the information of the business community, the academic environment and the general public;
- Contributions to the professional training of future generations of specialists and decision-makers, as well as the promotion of the maritime security culture, by organizing conferences, symposia, scientific communication sessions, briefings and webinars, etc.;
- Contributions to the achievement and consolidation of inter-institutional and international cooperation in the field by promoting actions in partnership with representatives of institutions operating in maritime security in Romania or abroad.
The MSF will edit a specialized publication, in printed and/or online format, to disseminate the results of scientific research activities and the conclusions resulting from the studies, analyses and forecasts developed, as well as from the conferences and other forms of interaction organized.
- information sessions with open participation;
- debates with special guests;
- specialized seminars;
- notable events of a cultural, historical, etc.;
- conferences, symposia, scientific communication sessions;
- “Datathon” type activities and exercises.
The MSF aims that the finality of each year’s steps should be materialized in the elaboration and publication of a study.
- Geopolitics and geostrategy
- Maritime security (security, maritime safety, cyber security, environmental security);
- Preventing and combating illegal migration and the specific facts of cross-border crime;
- Maritime International Relations (maritime policies and strategies, naval diplomacy);
- Economy, port operations, shipping;
- Maritime technology and technologies;
- Military Sciences (strategy, operative art, naval tactics);
- History, public international law and international maritime law;
- Maritime education and culture;